Why Winter Is the Best Time for Laser Hair Removal

Why Winter Is the Best Time for Laser Hair Removal

 If you’ve been thinking about ditching your razor once and for all, laser hair removal could be the answer. However, this highly effective treatment doesn’t provide results overnight. Instead, it takes multiple sessions at strategically scheduled intervals to permanently rid yourself of unwanted hair.

The experienced aesthetics team at Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa in Godfrey, Illinois, offers the most advanced IPL laser hair removal treatment. Pain-free and sans downtime, this easy treatment involves your provider gliding a handheld laser device across the treatment area  to deliver targeted energy across areas you no longer want to grow hair, such as:

If you want to stop wasting time and money on nonpermanent hair removal methods, here’s why winter is the best time to start the laser hair removal process.

Permanent hair removal takes time

Have you ever felt like you shave your legs only to have to do it again immediately? This can make it seem as if all of your hair grows at the same time. However, each hair on your body is actually in a different part of the growth cycle. That’s because every hair has its own follicle, and these protective structures control their growth cycle.

All hair follicles go through three distinct phases: growth, regression, and rest. While in the growth stage, the follicle produces a new hair shaft. During the regression and rest stages, the follicle sheds the hair and waits for the signal to start growing again. Every follicle is in its own specific phase of this ongoing cycle at any given time.

Laser hair removal eliminates unwanted hair by targeting hair follicles in the active growth phase. The laser sends a controlled dose of light-based energy that effectively “flips the switch” on an active follicle, stopping its growth cycle for good. 

However, while highly effective, this only works when the follicle is in the growth stage of its lifecycle. The result? You need multiple laser treatments at different times to ensure you catch — and disable — every hair follicle in the treatment area when it’s in its active growth phase.

What to expect from laser hair removal

While laser hair removal takes time, it’s relatively comfortable, and our system usually doesn’t require any topical numbing cream. Session times vary from a few minutes to an hour longer, depending on the size of the treatment area. After your session, you may have some redness and swelling, but you can resume regular activities immediately.

However, there are instructions you should follow before beginning your hair removal treatments. For instance, you should take extra steps to protect your skin from sun exposure and avoid sunless tanning products. It’s also essential to discontinue using any hair removal methods — like waxing, shaving, and plucking — for a few weeks before your session.

Awesome results

The good news is that you should start noticing 10-25% less hair after your first session. As your hair regrows, it’s often finer, lighter in color, and there’s less of it. We could recommend up to six treatments to get your desired results, usually scheduled every four to six weeks.

If you get started now, that unwanted body hair could be a distant memory by shorts season. Are you ready to get started? Call our office today at 618-227-7167 or request an appointment online today.

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