What Is a Lip Flip, and Is It Right for You?

What Is a Lip Flip, and Is It Right for You?

No matter how you arrived at thin lips, the good news is that there are several avenues for bridging the gap to fuller, plumper lips — lips that speak volumes before you say a word. 

Surprisingly, one of those roads to fuller lips is through Botox® and its neuromodulator counterparts. In 2023, nearly 10 million neuromodulator procedures were performed in the United States, mostly to smooth out wrinkles on the top of the face, but some were used for what we call the Lip Flip.

The team of experienced and skilled aestheticians at Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa is well-versed in all the many great ways we can use cosmetic injectables like Botox and dermal fillers. Among them is the innovative Lip Flip, which we explain in more detail here.

Why lips are thin

There are many roads to thin lips. For example, as we age, our ability to replenish collagen drops by 1% to 1.5% each year. Because collagen is the primary protein that gives our tissues support and structure, this loss can lead to lips losing their full shape.

If you pile onto this natural loss of collagen with exposure to the sun, which can prematurely age skin, the thinning can be even more intense.

Or, perhaps your family tree is full of relatives with thin lips and you’ve inherited that same characteristic.

How a Lip Flip can give your lips more volume

No matter how you arrived at thin lips, there are several ways in which we can restore or create more volume around your mouth — but we’re focusing on the Lip Flip here.

Under normal circumstances, Botox does the heavy lifting when it comes to smoothing out dynamic wrinkles around the top half of your face. To do this, it targets, and quiets, the muscles that contract to create those lines.

With a Lip Flip, we target the muscles that hold the shape of your top lip. When we inject Botox into these muscles, they relax and allow the edges of your upper lip to flip up, making the lip appear fuller.

This effect occurs within a week after we administer the Botox and results typically last up to four months.

What’s best for increasing the volume of your lips?

It’s hard to say here what would work best for your goals when it comes to increasing the fullness in your lips, but we can give you a better idea through our experiences.

For example, some of our clients love the Lip Flip because it’s a more subtle approach to fuller lips than dermal fillers. Other clients like using the Lip Flip in conjunction with fillers — we can flip the upper lip and add volume to the lower lip, giving the whole mouth a more voluminous appearance.

The best way to determine what would work best for your thin lips is to sit down with one of our experts. To get that ball rolling, we invite you to contact us today to schedule a consultation at our office in Godfrey, Illinois.

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