What Can a Venus Freeze Do for Me?

What Can a Venus Freeze Do for Me?

It’s not too early to start thinking about your summer physique. While you’re bundled up in sweaters and hiding behind your winter coat, you can start to tighten up sagging skin and smooth out cellulite with Venus Freeze

At Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa in Godfrey, Illinois, and serving the Greater St. Louis area, our goal is to promote great health — and great looks to match. We offer Venus Freeze Plus™, which tackles sagging skin and cellulite to help you get a sleek, svelte look that will turn heads and boost your confidence. 

Here’s what Venus Freeze can do for you.

The effects of aging

Venus Freeze uses advanced technology to create a sleeker frame. It can combat the signs of aging and reduce puckery cellulite.

Your levels of collagen and elastin, the proteins that build skin strength and firmness, naturally decline as you age. These structural proteins are largely responsible for the tone and elasticity in your tissue, and when these resources begin to dry up, your skin loses its resilience. This effect is extremely pronounced in women who pass through menopause.

When collagen and elastin diminish, skin laxity sets in. You might notice it in areas like your chin, upper arms, and above your knees. Gravity affects just about all parts of your body, and the effects are especially evident when the sun hits and creates shadows around your drooping tissue.

Cellulite further changes the look of your body. Cellulite is an equal opportunity offender, affecting people of all ages and sizes. It affects most women (more than 90% of women have it) due to the structure of their connective tissue. The tissue allows more fat to push through to the surface, creating a lumpy look. 

Cellulite is far more pronounced in women than men because of a different structural pattern in the support network below the skin’s surface.

Venus Freeze fights back

Nonsurgical Venus Freeze helps tighten and tone skin laxity and cellulite. The system delivers advanced radiofrequency energy into your tissue — without harming the surface area — as it jump-starts your collagen production.

The heat energy delivered by Venus Freeze creates a mild healing response on cells, and renewed collagen production follows.

With renewed collagen production, the support network in your skin tightens up, creating a more even and toned surface area. This also works to keep those lumpy fat deposits from making their way toward the surface of your skin, creating cellulite.

Start now for summer results

Treatments with Venus Freeze Plus take less than an hour. They’re noninvasive, so you don’t need downtime after your appointment. 

Most of our clients have several treatments for maximum effect, which we space out by several weeks to allow time for your body to go to work tightening your skin.

You’ll notice your body and skin changes gradually as new collagen shores up your skin from the inside out. Optimal results usually appear 6-12 weeks after your last treatment, which means that if you start now, you’ll be swimsuit ready in time for summer.

Get started with Venus Freeze Plus treatments right away. Give the Godfrey, Illinois, office a call or use the online tool to schedule your consultation.

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