The Many Benefits of Facials

As your body’s largest organ, your skin has its fair share of responsibility.

It releases water to cool you when you’re too hot, it shields your sensitive organs and keeps them in place, it detects warmth and coolness, and it encounters skin-damaging and dehydrating elements every day. 

With everything our skin does for us, it’s time for us to return the favor. If you’ve been using gentle cleansers, toners, and moisturizers, good job! Half of the battle of proper skin care is a routine that includes those things, plus plenty of water, adequate sleep, and a balanced diet. 

Giving back to your skin is important to your overall health, and it’s important in the fight against signs of aging. Over time, you can lose the glow of your 20s and 30s. 

Restoring that glow can be as easy as a visit to Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa in Godfrey, Illinois. Founded and led by Samuel Figueroa, MD, our relaxing and luxurious facilities are the perfect backdrop to beautify your skin. Facials are a great way to give back to your skin for all of the work it does to keep you together. 

The many benefits of facials

Skin hydration

One of the main benefits of most facials is hydrating and reinvigorating the skin. Your skin needs deep and topical moisture to maintain its structure, and to nurture the production of collagen and elastin. These proteins are what make your skin firm and supple. 

We offer the signature Hydrafacial® at our practice, and our specially trained providers are ready to provide this 30-minute treatment alone, or among our other services. 

Acne remedy 

If you have severe acne, Dr. Figueroa works with you to determine the best course of treatment. Over-the-counter products don’t always do the job that prescribed medications can do, and we can also help with your acne symptoms. 

Our acne facials are excellent choices for both teens and adults. This deep treatment is specially made for oily and congested skin, and it includes deep cleansing and exfoliation, as well as extractions. We also apply an oil-absorbing mask, helping you stay comfortable long after you’ve left our grounds.

Body pick-me-up

We offer back facials to moisturize and brighten the skin on your back. Often hard-to-reach, the skin on your back doesn’t always get the love it deserves. 

Especially in warm, sunny times, your back tends to spend more time exposed to the sun, absorbing harmful rays and other environmental hazards. Your back is precious, and deserves the utmost care. Choose a back facial for luminous, healthy skin. 

Deep exfoliation

As important as hydrated skin is to overall wellness, so too is exfoliating properly. Left untreated, dead skin can harden on the feet, hands, elbows, and knees. On the face, this can leave your skin dry, scratchy, and uncomfortable. 

For these issues, we offer several types of chemical peels. These deeply exfoliating treatments eat away at the fine layer of dead skin that sits on top. With just a few treatments, regular use of chemical peels brightens skin, reduces pores, and fades wrinkles and pigmentation. 

Facials are their own reward

Facials are designed to treat your skin and relax your body. Whether you choose a facial for your face and neck, your back, or any other part of your body, you’re doing yourself a favor in the fight against the signs of aging. 

We also offer several lines of intensive skin care products, and are happy to work with you to choose an ideal new routine. Don’t wait to love your skin! 

Call us for an appointment today at 618-227-7168, or send a message to the team here on the website.

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