Skip the Liposuction: Dissolve that Double Chin with Kybella Injections

Skip the Liposuction: Dissolve that Double Chin with Kybella Injections

You can’t control exactly where your body stores excess fat — including the chin.

Even with a healthy diet and exercise, many people are still plagued with submental fullness, commonly known as a double chin.

More than 70% of people with self-perceived submental fullness feel this extra fat negatively impacts their appearance. If you’re among them, Kybella® could be the answer. Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells in the treatment area under the chin to improve your profile.

You don’t need to endure liposuction or undergo cosmetic surgery. Here’s how minimally invasive Kybella® neck-lift injections can help you.  

Say goodbye to excess chin fat 

Kybella is a fat-reduction solution that dissolves unwanted fat cells through a series of small, well-placed injections. 

Kybella contains synthetic deoxycholic acid, a powerful lipolysis agent that destroys unwanted fat cells without harming surrounding cells or nearby tissues.

But how does it work? You may be surprised to learn that your body already contains organic deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring metabolic compound that helps your digestive system break down the fats in your food. 

Because the active ingredient in Kybella is identical to the fat-smashing compound in your body, it’s just as effective at disrupting the integrity of unwanted fat cells.  

The result? After a full Kybella treatment cycle, you’ll notice an obvious decrease in submental fullness and an improved chin profile that leaves you looking as young, trim, and healthy as you already feel. 

A personalized treatment plan

To ensure the treatment is as safe, effective, and precise as possible, Kybella is designed to work throughout multiple treatments, with sessions spaced at least four weeks apart. 

While some people notice significant changes after just two sessions, others need as many as six sessions to see a slimmer chin profile; the average person can expect to achieve optimal results in just 2-4 treatment sessions.   

At Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa in Godfrey, Illinois, your Kybella treatment starts with a customized plan that considers your needs and aesthetic goals. Your degree of submental fullness and your desired chin profile determine the number of injections you require.  

During each 20-minute treatment session, you receive multiple small Kybella injections beneath your chin. Because the needles are so small and the treatment is so quick, the process is surprisingly comfortable. 

Although you may experience minor swelling, redness, or bruising afterward, these common side effects are mild and short-lived. 

Beautiful, long-lasting results

If living with a full chin makes you feel heavier or older than you are, then Kybella may be the answer you’ve been waiting for. Kybella is a safe, effective, and minimally invasive way to get rid of a double chin and improve your facial profile without resorting to surgical liposuction. 

Want to know what’s even better? After you’ve finished the final session of your Kybella treatment plan, you can expect enduring results that don’t require future upkeep. That’s because, unlike virtually all other cosmetic injectables, Kybella delivers permanent results.

If you’re ready to say goodbye to your double chin for good, call Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa. You can also email us through our website.

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