Men Love Laser Hair Removal Too

Just like women, men spend countless hours shaving and waxing away unwanted body hair in a quest for smooth, hair-free skin. Fortunately, there’s a better alternative to those time-consuming efforts. It’s laser hair removal. Using the latest technology, the aesthetic professionals at Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa in Godfrey, Illinois, help patients – including men – get rid of unwanted body hair long-term.
As one of the most commonly requested aesthetic treatments, laser hair removal reduces or eliminates unwanted hair virtually anywhere on your body.
Here’s a look at why men turn to laser hair removal to attain a clean, maintenance-free neck, back, and upper body.
The hair back there
The majority of men who visit our day spa for laser hair removal are interested in thinning out or eliminating the thick carpet of hair covering their back or shoulders.
This excess hair makes many men feel less confident in intimate situations or going shirtless at the pool or the beach.
Sure, they can shave or wax, but those methods are far from appealing. Many men are tired of having to shave their backs or schedule regular and often painful, waxing appointments in the never-ending effort to keep their backs and shoulders hair-free and smooth.
A better solution through laser hair removal
Laser hair removal is a game-changer. It enables men to zap away unwanted back hair safely and easily, and long-term.
During the treatment, a handheld device is used to deliver specific wavelengths of laser energy through your skin and directly into the darker pigments of your active-growth hair follicles. Targeted pigment cells absorb this intense energy, rendering the follicle itself permanently inactive.
Because the laser only targets active-growth follicles — follicles in their shedding or resting cycle are unaffected by the treatment. For that reason, clients need several treatments, scheduled several weeks, to tackle body hair as it transitions into an active phase.
Even so, clients typically enjoy a 10-25% reduction in hair after the first laser appointment, increased clearing following each monthly session. The specific number of treatments needed depends on the quality and quantity of hair in need of removal.
Summer is around the corner, so there’s no better time to start laser hair removal treatment than today. To set up a consultation, call Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa at 618-227-7168. You can also reserve an appointment online through our online booking tool.
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