Incorporating Botox Into Your Regular Beauty Routine

Botox® has been around for several decades, long enough that most people understand what the treatment is for and why it can be a good option for minimizing wrinkles. Men and women alike are benefitting from Botox and using the treatment safely and often. Whatever your situation may be, Botox could be a great addition to your regular beauty routine.

Dr. Samuel Figueroa and the rest of our team at Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa want to help you feel and look your best, no matter your aesthetic ambitions. We offer Botox treatment as a quick and easy way to lessen or even eliminate your wrinkles, so you get the skin you deserve.

The ins and outs of Botox 

In case you still weren’t sure, yes, Botox is a toxin. As stated by the National Library of Medicine, it can be used in small doses to treat a number of different issues, from minimizing wrinkles to treating migraines to managing an overactive bladder. Still, most people use Botox for aesthetic reasons, and in many cases, it can become part of your regular beauty routine.

Botox injections help to relax the muscles in your face temporarily in to smooth out wrinkles. Contrary to popular belief, the injections don’t stop your face from being able to show emotion; they just mildly minimize the muscles’ ability to contract. 

Over time, of course, the effects of Botox begin to fade. But if you’d rather keep the wrinkles at bay and your skin smooth, get regular follow-up treatments every 3-6 months.

The best candidate for Botox

In our opinion, the best candidate for Botox is someone who wants to take good care of their skin so it will look healthy and smooth for years to come. If this is you, we recommend getting regular Botox treatments every six months or so, and you can discuss other options for healthier, smoother, and younger-looking skin with Dr. Figueroa.

If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, we don’t want you trying Botox right now, but in most other cases, there are very few side effects or reasons why you wouldn’t be a good candidate for this treatment.

Taking care of your skin

At Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa, we recommend a number of aesthetic treatments for healthy, glowing, and younger-looking skin. In addition, do the best you can to care for your skin by moisturizing it, protecting it from the sun, and drinking lots of water. 

However, when you need medical services to keep your skin looking healthy and flawless, trust us for Botox treatments to make your skin smooth and beautiful. 

If you would like to set up an appointment to visit us at our Godfrey, Illinois, office, call 618-227-7168 or send us a message here on our website. You can also set up an appointment online at whatever time works best for you. 

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