How Fillers Can Take Years Off of Your Appearance

When you see the years of your life appear as laugh lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin, it’s easy to forget the memories that created them and lose confidence in your body. Maybe you’ve even started to avoid pictures and mirrors for fear of criticism.

Dermal fillers can give you the youthful appearance you’ve been missing, so you can look the camera—and yourself—in the eye and fall in love with your face again. These injectable treatments make all the difference in reducing signs of aging and calming your inner critic.

Our team at Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa in Godfrey, Illinois, uses several kinds of dermal fillers to reduce wrinkles, smooth skin, and help you look as young as you feel.

How do dermal fillers work?

Dermal fillers are injections of hyaluronic acid just below the surface of your skin, adding volume and plumpness to your features. Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in your body, so you don’t have to worry about putting harmful substances into your skin. 

Dermal fillers like Juvéderm® help reverse age-related changes, so you look younger. These injections don’t just work for your face. You can use them almost anywhere you have wrinkles, loose skin, or want to restore elasticity. 

What can dermal fillers do for my skin?

Dermal fillers give you a safer, more affordable option than Botox and other injectable treatments when you want to revive your skin. One convenient option is Kybella®, an FDA-approved cosmetic procedure that destroys fat cells under your chin.

Juvederm, Kybella, and other dermal fillers also offer these benefits for your skin and appearance:

What can I expect from dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars, lines, sagging, and other age-related skin troubles accumulated over the years. They also give you instant results, so you can see the transformation before your eyes, no matter where you receive your treatment.

You can expect results that last 12 to 24 months, plus dermal fillers don’t involve surgery, so there’s no need to plan for extensive recovery time. 

If you’re ready to see smoother skin and regain confidence in your appearance, talk to our team highly skilled team at Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa to find out if dermal fillers are the best option for you. Our crew has helped many people revive their skin and their love for it.

Call 618-227-7168 or contact us online to request an appointment to discuss your options and ask how dermal fillers can change your life.

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