Forget Cellulite Creams; Venus Freeze Actually Works

Forget Cellulite Creams; Venus Freeze Actually Works

Cellulite — a harmless skin condition that causes lumpy or dimpled skin on the hips, buttocks, abdomen, and thighs δΈ€ is one of the top cosmetic complaints. There are many cellulite creams on the market, but, unfortunately, most of them do little more than hydrate the skin.

The good news is that you don’t have to waste your time trying to find a cream that works. Venus Freeze™ is a nonsurgical, noninvasive, anti-aging procedure that can tighten skin, minimize stretch marks, and reduce the appearance of cellulite, and it’s available here at Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa in Godfrey, Illinois.

Here’s how Venus Freeze can banish cellulite and help you achieve a sleek new look.

The problem with cellulite

Despite the common misconception, cellulite isn’t caused by being overweight. In fact, people who have a normal weight can struggle with cellulite.

Rather, cellulite often develops as collagen and elastin decrease due to the aging process. These two proteins are responsible for the structure of your skin, and as they decrease, you’re more likely to see skin laxity. As the connective tissues weaken, little pockets of fat can push through and create that telltale dimpling, puckery look.

Cellulite can affect anyone of any age, but it’s most prevalent in women. In fact, more than 90% of women have it!

With this in mind, you can see why diets, exercising, and creams can’t really change the appearance of cellulite. It’s not about body mass index, body fat percentage, or even skin hydration. It’s all about the inner protein structure of your skin, but that’s exactly what Venus Freeze targets.

How Venus Freeze can help

Venus Freeze, which is noninvasive and safe for all skin tones, combines multipolar radio frequency energy with pulsed electromagnetic energy. This combination stimulates collagen and elastin production, which, in turn, helps tighten skin and reduce cellulite.

More specifically, your provider uses a hand-held device that emits heat energy to warm your cells. This, then, triggers your body to produce more collagen and elastin fibers. As these two structural proteins increase, this helps reduce the skin laxity that leads to cellulite, and it helps make the treated areas of skin smoother, firmer, and more resilient.

Venus Freeze can treat a number of areas, including your:

Sessions typically take 15-30 minutes and aren’t painful. Patients often compare treatments to a hot stone massage. Furthermore, there’s no downtime, though the treated areas may feel a little warm and look a little red for 1-2 hours. The number of sessions you’ll need will depend on your specific case and the area you’re treating, but most patients need 6-8 sessions.

If you’re bothered by cellulite and want to see if Venus Freeze can help you, call 618-227-7168 to book an appointment with Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa today.

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