All About Dermaplaning

All About Dermaplaning

Exposure to the sun’s rays, chlorine in pools, and high humidity can wreak havoc on your skin, leaving it dull and lifeless.

Enter dermaplaning. At Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa in Godfrey, Illinois, dermaplaning is among our most sought-after treatments, especially during summer. And it’s no surprise why.

Dermaplaning is quick and pain-free, and it can instantly transform your skin without any downtime! Here’s what our skin care specialists want you to know about this in-demand treatment.

How dermaplaning transforms your skin

Dermaplaning entails removing the top layer of your skin using precise motions with a sterile, sharp blade. The results are immediate: a smoother, more vibrant appearance — no more peach fuzz, hair around the lip, or hair elsewhere on your face. 

With dermaplaning, your makeup goes on more evenly, and your skin tone appears more even. You also enjoy a diminished appearance in pore size, wrinkles, fine lines, and acne scars. 

How dermaplaning works

We perform dermaplaning on clean, dry skin. You can have your entire face treated or select areas, such as the:

The next layer shines through when the dead skin is removed, providing a bright, vibrant appearance. 

Removing the fine hairs around your face eliminates trapped dirt and oils that dull your complexion. In addition, dermaplaning removes bacteria and clears pores to limit breakouts.

Removing hair won’t make it grow back thicker or darker.

Improve your skin without downtime

Dermaplaning is a simple, noninvasive treatment that requires no downtime.

You can remove as many as three weeks of accumulated dead skin cells in just one treatment. 

Following your dermaplaning appointment, you must use high-quality sunscreen to prevent skin damage.

Dermaplaning works for any skin type

Whether your skin is naturally dry or oily, dermaplaning treatments are safe and effective. 

Despite what you may see on the internet, dermaplaning is best left to professionals like those at Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa. The blade is sharp, and only a qualified provider can ensure that your face remains injury-free while you achieve your desired results.

The perfect add-ons

For the ultimate rejuvenation, follow your dermaplaning appointment with a deep cleansing Hydrafacial. And if you have big plans, top it off with a professional makeup session. 

If you’re tired of your skin appearing dry, flaky, and dull, check out the benefits of dermaplaning treatments at Dutch Hollow Medical Day Spa. Call our office today at 618-227-7167.

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